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What vocational course means? Benefits? Vocational courses after 10th.

Vocational Training: Definition

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  • Vocational courses also called technical course and occupational course. It is job oriented technical training courses.
  • Students may select a certain career path. It indicates that you are interested in a particular profession, have developed the necessary skills, and want to make a career in that field.
  • You can take vocational courses from a specific field that are useful.Classes and trainings are included in these types of courses.After completion of the vocational courses, you will receive a certificate and diploma.
  • Vocational training is the educational course of study that prepares you for a career as a technician, artisan, or tradesperson, such as, which calls for specific skills. It can be  lectures in class, practical training, or a combination of both.
  • Vocational training is available in a variety of industries, including healthcare, office administration, skilled trades, computer technology, and others.
  • Students who join in vocational training programs are prepared to work in the necessary fields for employment or self-employment relevant to the skills they have learned.

How vocational courses are different from traditional courses?

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    • Following   are the traditional courses in India.
    • Bachelor’s of Commerce (BCom)
    • Bachelor’s of Science (BSc) in Computer Science.
    • Bachelor’s of Science (BSc) in Visual Communication.
    • Bachelor’s of Arts (BA) in English Literature.
    • Bachelor’s of Arts (BA) in English & History.
  1. Traditional courses use the case study method of instruction in the classroom, and students will get practical knowledge during their internships.However, the knowledge gained during internships sometimes confused students because theoretical knowledge is never matched with actual knowledge.
  2. In vocational courses, students receive training in a particular field to improve their practical skills; they gain work experience, and there are less lectures in the classroom because these courses are created to help students prepare for a job.
  3. Duration of traditional course are more than vocational courses.
  4. A traditional student must pass the 10th grade and be strong in both English and mathematics
    There are several courses in vocational available that helpful for students who have not yet cleared the 10th grade.
  5. It is a belief of students that traditional courses will give you good job as compared to vocational courses.Traditional courses offer degree and vocational courses offer diploma this is the reason why children prefer traditional courses.

Benefits of vocational courses

  • First benefit is that student get job after completed the course.
  • It offer practical training that improve skills.
  • Theoretical knowledge match with practical knowledge.
  • Less duration and  less fee.
  • Design according to the demand of the market.
  • You have the option of choosing occupational training instead of or in addition to a traditional educational program.
  • You can do online vocational courses.
  • It makes you ready to start working in a high-paying career or profession immediately.
  • It provides an opportunity for those who did not receive formal education to learn.
  • A large number of vocational skills are international in nature and qualify you for job opportunities in foreign countries  as well.

Vocational Courses


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Vocational courses are offered in various fields including :

Health care,      Food technology,       Hair designing,      Home keeping,   Corporate culture,

 Jewelry designing,      Photography,       Foreign language,             Event management,

Telecommunication,   Sewing, stitching and tailoring,    Mobile repair training ,

laptop and computer repairing           Makeup and beautician training, 

            Plumbing,         Heating and air conditioning,                       Automotive repair,

               Creative fields like graphic and web designing,  and cosmetology. 

Vocational Courses after  10th grade

After the tenth grade, vocational courses are a great option for students who want to gain the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in a particular career.



Name of the Course with  Subject Code
1. Office Secretary ship
       a. Office Practice and Secretary ship (604)      b. Secretariat Practice & Accounting 605
       c.Office Communication 606
2. Stenography & Computer Application
         a Typewriting (English) 607      b. Stenography (English) 608
         c Typewriting (Hindi) 609         d Stenography (Hindi) 610
3. Accountancy and Auditing
         a Financial Accounting 611        b Elements of Cost Accountancy & Auditing  612

Other Subject Optional
1. Store Accounting
2. Typewriting
4. Marketing and Salesmanship
a Marketing 613
b Salesmanship 614
c Consumer Behaviour and Protection 615

To know more detailed vocational couses ,click to this cbsc link-

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