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Biography of Srinivasa Ramanujan – The Man Who Knew Infinity

In our exciting blog,  you’re about to go on an interesting trip through Srinivasa Ramanujan’s extraordinary life in our entertaining blog. Have you ever wondered what it’s like to figure out complex mathematics, uncover hidden patterns, and solve universal mysteries? Prepare to be surprised because this blog is your ticket to the world of numbers, countless opportunities, and the inspiring tale of a guy without limits. As you continue reading, you’ll learn more about Ramanujan’s remarkable life, his outstanding contributions to mathematics, and the limitless potential that lies within your own curious mind. So, young mathematician, fasten your seatbelt for this journey will be nothing short of endlessly fascinating!

After reading this post you will get the answer of the following questions:

  1. Who was Srinivasa Ramanujan?
  2. What are the significant contributions of Srinivasa Ramanujan to the world of mathematics?
  3. How did Ramanujan’s early life and background influence his mathematical journey?
  4. What challenges and obstacles did Ramanujan face in pursuing his passion for mathematics?
  5. What makes Ramanujan’s story so inspiring and relevant even today?
  6. In what ways can Ramanujan’s life story offer valuable life lessons and motivation for readers?

Srinivasa Ramanujan

Srinivasa Ramanujan, known as “The Man Who Knew Infinity,” is one of the most celebrated mathematicians in history. His life story, filled with genius and courage, and a deep love for mathematics, has inspired generations. In this article, we delve into Ramanujan’s biography, his groundbreaking contributions to mathematics, and the enduring legacy he left behind.

Who Was Ramanujan?

Srinivasa Ramanujan was more than just a mathematical genius; he was a man of unique character and deep spirituality. His devout belief in a higher power and the intuitive nature of his mathematical insights set him apart. Ramanujan often attributed his mathematical discoveries to a divine source and believed that mathematical formulas came to him in dreams as gifts from the goddess Namagiri.

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Ramanujan’s personal life was marked by his struggles with health, loneliness, and cultural adjustment while living in England. Despite these challenges, his passion for mathematics never wavered. He continued to work relentlessly, leaving behind notebooks filled with thousands of unsolved mathematical problems that continue to inspire mathematicians worldwide.


Early Life Of Srinivasa Ramanujan

The life of Ramanujan is a story of winning over struggle.

Born on December 22, 1887, in Erode, Tamil Nadu, India. His father`s name is  Kuppuswamy Srinivasa Iyengar,he was a clerk at a sari store .His mother name was Komalatammal, was a homemaker who kirtan (Prayers) in a nearby temple.

Ramanujan began speaking very slowly, which led his parents to believe he had vocal issues.

Ramanujan birthday celebrated as IT  day and National Mathematician Day.

In the life of 32 years he made 3484 equations.
He love the maths and give full time to maths subject and ignore other subject this is the reason he fails in exam
He started tuitions for helping financially to their family
At the age of 11 he solve the paper of class 10th and he solve 30 he solve 3 hour paper in 30 minutes only.

In the age of 13 he solve the college level trigonometry that’s why he is called the extraordinary person

How Is Ramanujan’s Biography Written?

He showed early signs of mathematical ability. However, his family faced financial difficulties, which made formal education a challenge. Despite these obstacles, Ramanujan’s passion for mathematics burned brightly.

In his early 20s, Ramanujan sent a collection of his theorems and mathematical discoveries to the renowned British mathematician, G.H. Hardy. Impressed by the depth and originality of Ramanujan’s work, Hardy invited him to study at the University of Cambridge. Ramanujan’s journey from humble beginnings to Cambridge is a testament to his exceptional talent and unwavering determination.

What Invention Did Ramanujan Make in Mathematics?

Ramanujan made numerous groundbreaking contributions to mathematics during his short life. Some of his most significant discoveries include:

  1. Ramanujan Prime: He developed a formula to calculate the number of prime numbers less than a given value, known as the “Ramanujan Prime.”
  2. Mock Theta Functions: Ramanujan introduced mock theta functions, which are a group of functions related to modular forms and have applications in various areas of mathematics.
  3. Partition Formula: He formulated the Ramanujan–Petersson conjecture, a key result in the theory of modular forms and automorphic representations.
  4. Infinite Series: Ramanujan produced an infinite series for π (pi) that converges incredibly rapidly, allowing for the calculation of π to millions of decimal places with relatively few terms.
  5. Mathematical Constants: He made significant contributions to the study of mathematical constants, including the famous Ramanujan’s constant, named in his honor.

Ramanujan’s work significantly influenced number theory, mathematical analysis, and several other fields within mathematics. Many of his discoveries continue to be subjects of intense research and have practical applications in various scientific disciplines.

What Is the Contribution of Srinivasa Ramanujan to the World of Mathematics?

Srinivasa Ramanujan’s contributions to mathematics are immeasurable. His pioneering work in number theory and analysis reshaped the mathematical landscape. Some of the enduring impacts of Ramanujan’s contributions include:

  1. Advancements in Number Theory: Ramanujan’s formulas and theorems have had a profound impact on number theory, leading to the discovery of new mathematical concepts and connections.
  2. Influence on Modern Mathematics: His work laid the foundation for various branches of mathematics, including modular forms, mock theta functions, and the theory of partitions.
  3. Inspiration for Mathematicians: Ramanujan’s life story and mathematical achievements continue to inspire mathematicians and aspiring students worldwide, encouraging them to explore the depths of mathematics.
  4. Development of Advanced Technologies: Some of Ramanujan’s mathematical concepts find applications in modern technology, including computer science and cryptography.

In conclusion, Srinivasa Ramanujan’s biography is a testament to the power of passion, determination, and unwavering belief in one’s abilities. His extraordinary contributions to the world of mathematics have left an indelible mark, and his legacy continues to inspire generations of mathematicians and students. To learn more about the life and work of this mathematical genius, consider reading the book “MAN WHO KNEW INFINITY” Click here for an in-depth exploration of his remarkable journey.

Life Struggle of Ramanujan

  • Ramanujan suffered smallpox in December 1889 at the age of 2  but he recovered.
  • Ramanujan won the Subramanyam scholarship for study because of his high school grades, but in later classes he struggled in other subjects since he focused mostly on math. As a result, when his results were announced, he received a score of 100 in mathematics and a score of 0 in other subjects, and his scholarship was cancelled.
  • Ramanujan is currently experiencing extreme poverty and a lack of financial support. Due to this circumstance, he dropped out of school and did not return for the following five years. Despite this, he continued his studies and eventually got married to 10 year old Janaki. He then began looking for jobs, but was unsuccessful because he did not complete his class 12th grade.
  • He had a meeting with Madras’s deputy collector, Shri Veer ramaswami Iyer, a math champion who had been impressed by Ramanujan and had established a 25 rupee scholarship for him.
    Ramanujan published his initial research on the Properties of Bernoulli numbers with this 25 rupee scholarship in Madras.
    After that, he was hired as a clerk, and because of the extremely low workload, he will have some time to focus on his research.
  • Now that Ramanujan needs support from other mathematicians because he is unable to complete his research work alone, he has made the decision to send his research paper to Professor Hardey in England for review. Professor Hardey was a well-known mathematician in the world at the time.Professor Hardey was impressed by Ramanujan’s extraordinary research.
    He decided to collaborate with Ramanujan, providing both financial support and call him  to London; as a result of their research, Ramanujan received a BA degree  from Cambridge University.
    He  was  also chosen as fellows of the royal society, which was a moment for India to be proud.


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Education of Ramanujan

At the age of 15, Srinivasa Ramanujan got a math book with hundreds of theorems, which he validated and used to inspire his own theories. He attended the University of Madras for a short time in 1903. He traveled to England in 1914 to study with British mathematician G.H. Hardy at Trinity College, Cambridge.

He attended a government-run art school.Then he attended Pachtayappa College for his schooling.
He then earned a BA from Trinity College Cambridge in England.
Ramanujan offers a theory of K3 surfaces in the heart of string theory.
Without any academic education, Ramanujan developed his mathematical studies independently.
He began his studies under GH Hardy in 1913 at the University of Cambridge in England.
Ramanujan has made groundbreaking new theorems, which are hardly known.

He solved college-level math at the age of 11, and when he was 13 years old, he solved the trigonometric challenges.
He began  tuition to support his family financially.
The magic square he created is known as Ramanujan’s magic square.

Ramanujan’s magic square

The addition of 139 is obtained by adding the magic square row-wise and column-wise , corner wise and diagonally. It will result in the number 139 . The  magic square’s top row, 22 12 18 87, contains Ramanujan’s birthdate, which is remarkable.

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Spiritual journey of Ramanujan

This note in the below picture is written by Ramanujan in which he describe about his dream that how Maa always guide him to solve the maths problems.

While a sleep I had an unusual experience.There was a red screen form by the flowing blood, as it were. I was observing it suddenly a hand begin to write on the screen. I become all attention. That hand  wrote a number of elliptic integrals. They stuck to my mind. As soon as I wake up, I committed them to writing.                                                                                                                                             –     by  Ramanujan

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How did Ramanujan’s spirituality aid in his own personal development?

He said that during a dream, a hand began to write an equation on the wall. When he woke up he immediately copied the equation onto paper. A religious man, Ramanujan was a follower of the Mahalaxmi of Namakkal goddess .

Namakkal’s Narasimha Swamy templeimages 1 Apna Edukation Wala tem Apna Edukation Wala
This temple, which is located in Tamilnadu’s Namakkal district and is dedicated to Narasimha and a Vishnu avatar for Lakshmi, was built using rocket architecture in the eighth century.

Devi Maa is the name of the goddess of learning.



Challenges of Ramanujan life:

Ramanujan got good marks in High school so he got Subramanyam scholarship for the study but in further classes he failed in other subject because he give most of time to maths subject only so when his result came he got 100 in maths subject and zero in other subject and  his scholarship stopped.
This time is very much struggling time for Ramanujan poverty no scholarship. Because of this situation he left the school and next 5 year he stop going to the school but he always believe in his God but he even in that challenging situation he continue his research then he got married with Janaki started searching for the job but he did not got job because he have not pass the class 12th
He met with deputy collector Shri Veer ramaswami Iyer in Madras he is a math champion and he impressed with Ramanujan and set a 25 rupees scholarship for him
By this 25 rupees scholarship in Madras Ramanujan published his first research first research his research name is properties of Bernoulli number
After that he got clerk job and he will get some time for hits his research because there is so very less workload

what is the relationship between Indian poor mathematician Ramanujan and England number professor Hardy
Now this is the time when Ramanujan need help of other mathematician he alone cannot work on his research so he decided to show his formulas to other topment mathematicians for help
Professor Hardy was a famous mathematician of the world in that time he agreed to work with Ramanujan he help financially and call to London they both done many research because of these research Ramanujan got BA degree from Cambridge University
We also elected as fellow of royal society which was  a proud moment of India.

Ramanujan’s Death

In 1920, Ramanujan passed away at the age of 32. He continued to develop new mathematical theories  in the last time of his life.
His last year of life’s discovery was a lost notebook. He had numerous health problems since childhood.He was diagnosed with tuberculosis and a serious vitamin shortage. He returned to Kumbakonam in the Madras Presidency in 1919, and at the age of 32, he passed away there in 1920.

Ramanujan did not have children, but he gave his wife several books and told her that although though he and she did not have children, he was gifting the books to her as a child.

Movie On Ramanujan in Hindi-

Movie On Ramanujan in English-

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