amita Apna Edukation Wala

Life Teaching Experience By Amitabh Bachan

Table of Contents

This is Amitabh Bachan’s Life Experience, in which he discussed his interaction with JRD Tata, the chairman of TATA, while he was traveling by airline. He learned from JRD Tata that “there is always someone ahead of you!”


Lets Start __________

Amitabh Bachchan says… “At the peak of my career, I was once traveling by aeroplane. A simple gentleman was sitting on the seat next to me, who was wearing a simple shirt and pants. He appeared to be middle class, and highly educated. Other passengers seemed to recognize me for who I was, but this gentleman seemed unaware of my presence… He was reading his paper, looking out the window, and when tea was served, he drank it in silence. took .

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I smiled at him while trying to strike up a conversation with him. The man smiled politely at me and said ‘Hello’. Our conversation started and I brought up the topic of cinema and movies and asked, ‘Do you watch movies?’

The man replied, ‘Oh, very little.’ I saw a movie many years ago. , I mentioned that I worked in the film industry. The man replied.. “Oh, that’s good. What do you do?” I replied, ‘I am an actor’

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The man nodded, ‘Oh, this is wonderful!’ So this is it… When we landed, I shook hands and said, “It was nice traveling with you. By the way, my name is Amitabh Bachchan!” The man shook hands and smiled, “Thank you… Nice to meet you… I am JRD Tata (Chairman of Tata)!”

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 —->I learned that day that no matter how old you are, there is always someone ahead of you!! Big !! It happens. Be gentle, it doesn’t cost anything

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