ganesha Apna Edukation Wala

The Best Teacher,Lord Ganesha-Remover Of Obstacle


Table of Contents

10 Lesson Learn By Lord Ganesha

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वक्रतुण्ड महाकाय सूर्यकोटि समप्रभ।
निर्विघ्नं कुरु मे देव सर्वकार्येषु सर्वदा॥


Lord Ganesha-Remover Of Obstacle

Lord Ganesha also called Ekdant

God Of Wisdom  and Learning

The Best Teacher – Lord Ganesha

Lesson 1  Overcome Obsacle:

 The capacity to overcome obstacles is perhaps Ganesha’s most well-known quality. He shows us that we can overcome any obstacle if we have faith and have an open mind.

No matter how challenging the obstacle or how high the hurdle, Ganesha is an amazing guide and protector. Ganesha aids us in accessing the collection of memories, experiences, and information we have gathered during life to adjust and awaken our sixth sense or “deep inner knowing.”


Lesson 2 Most Important In Our Life Is Our Parents-

Parents is always be there for us. Best mentor of our life. Our lives are greatly influenced by our parents’ unconditional love, care, guidance, education, and security.


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Lesson 3  Wisdom And Knowledge:

Ganesha is the god of wisdom and learning. He emphasizes the importance of education and continuous self-improvement.


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Lesson 4 Patience :

Ganesha is often portrayed as patient and calm. This reminds us to remain composed and patient in challenging situations.


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Lesson 5 Removal of Ego:

Ganesha’s broken tusk symbolizes the sacrifice of one’s ego for the greater good. It teaches us the importance of letting go of pride and arrogance.


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Lesson 6 Focus and Concentration:

 His large ears symbolize the importance of attentive listening and focusing on the task at hand.

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Lesson 7 Adaptability :

Ganesha’s unique appearance, with the head of an elephant, represents adaptability and the ability to embrace one’s individuality without fear of judgment.


Lesson 8 Equality:

Ganesha is known to treat everyone equally, regardless of their status or background. This teaches us the value of treating all people with respect and kindness.


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Lesson 9 Blessings and Grace:

Ganesha is often invoked at the beginning of endeavors and rituals to seek his blessings and grace. This reflects the belief that seeking divine guidance can lead to success and positive outcomes.

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Lesson 10 Make careful use of your power and knowledge.

It is safe to assume that Ganesha brings a vast amount of knowledge because we already know that the idol and Ganesha himself is an excellent listener.

Explain to your child how Ganesha, while knowing a great deal, never misused his knowledge to show the value of using one’s knowledge carefully.

These lessons from Lord Ganesha can inspire us to lead more meaningful and balanced lives, embracing qualities such as determination, wisdom, humility, and compassion.


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